Pacer 47B is a 4 place Piper. It has been modified with many Alaska mods which makes it our SUV toy.
47B seats 3 on floats, 4 on wheels or skis.
The useful load limits this aircraft to 2 average passengers with minimal gear.
When getting into tight places this is the go of choice.
47B switches to wheels in the fall and spring for awesome beach adventures! Late winter it is on skis. Most any class of adventure can be had using the Pacer.
Our 208LH is a Cessna 206U on straight floats with the capacity for 5 mid-sized passengers.
This aircraft is our most often utilized as it has the capacity for hauling large sized gear; rafts, camps, etc.
When embarking on sight seeing adventures this plane can take your whole family!
Trips to Katmai National Park for bear viewing, Wood Tikchik State Park lake hops, heading west into the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge… this plane makes it possible.